Event Description:

Beekeeping Express
Wednesdays, January 8, 2014 and February 5, 2014, 5:30 – 8:30 PM

Spend time with Hudson Gardens’ Lead Beekeeper Bob Shiflet for this intensive two-part course spanning the basics of starting, inspecting, and maintaining a healthy colony of honeybees. Natural beekeeping management methods will be emphasized. Topics will include The Amazing Honeybee, Beekeeping Basics, Honeybee Hive Management Systems, Honeybee Hive Management Systems, Hive Startup: Installing Package Bees and Nucleus Hives, Honeybee Hive Inspection, and Overwintering Honeybee Hives. Experience level: Beginner- Intermediate.

Class will be held at The Inn at Hudson Gardens.

Registration: $99/member, $109/nonmember. Call the Education Department at (303) 797-8565 ext. 306 or visit shop.hudsongardens.org to register.

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6115 South Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, CO


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